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How to improve your adaptability to change

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Do you think you adapt well to the changes? Rather, do you usually resist them? Or does it simply depend on the type of change? Let us see what our reaction to changes is, why it is so and how to improve our adaptability to change.

Not all changes are the same

It may be difficult for you to face changes in your life. You may also think that you adapt perfectly to the changes; that you like the novelty. Until there comes a change that you do not like.

Life evolves and changes are inevitable. But obviously it is not the same to adapt to a change that we have looked for than to one that we feel has been imposed on us. If you feel that you do not have control over a change, that it is something imposed and threatens your comfort and your lifestyle it may be more difficult to adapt.

Resistance to change

Resisting changes that we have not sought causes us stress. We may not feel prepared for the changes, that we do not have the resources to face them. Maybe we are afraid of the uncertainty of what this change may mean. Possibly it supposes a loss of comfort in our life. Maybe it affects our lifestyle.

When a change occurs that we did not expect and that we do not want, we can react in different ways according to our way of being and our ability to adapt. Maybe we feel annoyed, angry, sad, overwhelmed, overcome by the circumstances.

You have to change with change. #CeceliaAhern in Lyrebird. #resistancetochange #adaptability #change Click To Tweet
Image by ambermb on Pixabay

Process of adaptation to change

As Laura, the character in the book Lyrebird by Cecelia Ahern, says: “You have to change with change”. But it may require going through a process. When faced with adversities and unwanted changes, we go through four phases.

  1. Denial: We perceive a danger to our situation, which threatens our beliefs, our way of living or working. We can show difficulties in adapting, feeling stress and anxiety.
  2. Defense: We cling to old habits, processes and beliefs. We try to avoid what that change supposes. If we open ourselves to change, we can begin to value the advantages and disadvantages of the change.
  3. Acceptance: We stop resisting change. We are more willing to accept the change and acquire the necessary knowledge to deal with it.
  4. Adaptation: We have assessed the advantages and disadvantages of the change and assumed that we must accept the change. With new knowledge, we adapt and try to make the best out of the change giving more importance to the advantages.
Do you adapt well to #changes or do you tend to resist them? Find out how to better adapt. #resistancetochange #adaptability #adapttochange Click To Tweet

Characteristics of people with adaptability to change

People who easily adapt to changes are characterised by initiative, flexibility, resilience and continuous learning. They assess the advantages and disadvantages, the positive and negative consequences of new situations. They even anticipate possible problems and changes. Changes are perceived as an opportunity to learn and grow. They assimilate new knowledge quickly and put it into practice in their life and work. Also, they easily renounce obsolete practices.

Moreover, they can adapt their behaviors and opinions to pursue a common goal. They show a high degree of emotional intelligence. On the one hand they know how to manage their emotions in the face of adversity, show strength, resist stress, pressures and conflicts. On the other hand they show empathy and good communication and listening skills.

Also, they adapt their work to changing needs, prioritising at all times according to importance and urgency. They are not afraid to take on new tasks, responsibilities and challenges. They are even promoters of change.

The species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Leon C. Megginson #adaptation #change Click To Tweet

Adaptability to change can be trained

In the field of psychology, intelligence divides into fluid and crystalline. Crystalline intelligence comprises the use of knowledge, skills and experience. On the other hand, fluid intelligence is the ability to solve new problems and adapt to new situations. That is why fluid intelligence is considered important for many cognitive fields and an important factor for learning.

At the University of Bern, Switzerland, the carry out studies that show that the ability to adapt, that means fluid intelligence, can be trained. They have subjected groups of people to work-memory training programs. Apparently processes trained in working memory are transferred to intelligence. Then the improvement of processes in the brain is translated into the improvement of the ability to solve problems also in other fields. That means fluid intelligence can be improved.

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. #StephenHawking #adaptability #adapttochange Click To Tweet
Image by kai kalhh on Pixabay

How to adapt better to change

When something changes we can resist, bother, get angry … or we can accept the change and make the best out of the situation. It is up to us to open our eyes to the opportunities that change brings and to turn it into something good.

In fact we can learn from the animal world. Think of how the chameleon, octopus or cuttlefish adapt to their environment, either to protect themselves from predators or to hunt. They evaluate the situation and adapt. Meanwhile humans tend to cling to comfort, to the known and resist change.

Instead of seeing only what you think has worsened and complaining about it, consider whether there are things that have improved. If you have a hard time, then start with what remains the same. If it helps you to see it clearer, I suggest that you make a list with the advantages or improvements. Then focus your energy on building the new instead of fighting the old as the the character Socrates in the Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman suggests.

Adaptability is not conformism

Improving our ability to adapt to change does not mean changing our mind as we change shirts. It means reviewing our beliefs and habits to renounce those that are no longer helpful.

Accepting change does not mean conforming. A mentality of conformism leads to resignation and looking for comfort and convenience. New situations may require changes in the way we do things. If we think about the corporate world, managers can think of new processes and solutions. But they will need the contribution of the employees so that their proposals adapt as best as possible to the needs. That is why I suggest you take the initiative and do not be afraid to propose improvements.

The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. #DanMillman #change #adaptation Click To Tweet

How well do you adapt to the changes?

Do you tend to resist novelty? Do changes overwhelm you?

Rather, do you easily adapt to new situations and consider them a learning opportunity?

Image by Robert Balog on Pixabay


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