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9 tips to enjoy a stress-free holiday season

stress-free holiday season stress-free holidays winter family scene
Does the Christmas season usually turn into a stress of activities, commitments or conflicts? Find out how to enjoy a stress-free holiday season.

Holidays should be for enjoyment. However, they often become a stress of commitments and activities; or family conflicts. Sometimes we lose sight of what is important. Therefore let us see how to spend a stress-free holiday season with joy.

1. What is the important

First of all, remember what is important to you about the holidays. Getting together with your loved ones? Spending quality time with them? Seeing the happy faces of your children, nephews or grandchildren? Traditions and rituals?

Forget what advertising sells you as perfect holidays. Better question yourself what your heart asks for.

2. How do you want to spend the holidays?

Once you have remembered what matters to you, ask yourself what you really want to do. Write your letter to Santa Claus. If you forgot all the commitments, how would you like to spend the holiday season? If you have a partner and children, gather them together and share what you would like to do.

3. Plan ahead

For a stress-free holiday season, plan ahead for everything that goes along with it. It may be a good idea to make a list for the different things to consider and organise.

  • Gifts: Who are you going to give gifts to? What do they like?
  • Christmas cards: Do you want to send or deliver Christmas cards on paper or by email? When are you going to buy or prepare and send them?
  • Gatherings with family and friends: When are you going to meet who and where? Do you need to prepare something?
  • Family lunches and dinners: Do you enjoy cooking yourself or find it stressful? How about ordering the food then?
  • Programme of activities: Do you want to go to a Christmas mass, a concert, the theater, an exhibition, etc.?
  • Christmas decorations and Christmas tree: When are you going to buy and place them?
  • Time for yourself: Do not abandon all your self-care routines. Remember to reserve time for yourself: to do nothing, meditate, exercise, take care of yourself, read, etc.

4. Disconnect

To enjoy a stress-free holiday season and the days off you have, try to leave your work organised. Then you can disconnect from your professional responsibilities and relax.

I also suggest that you reduce your consumption of online information and social media. Park your smartphone and enjoy the company of your loved ones.

5. Take care of yourself

Another important point for stress-free holidays is to not abandon all your good habits. Taking care of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being is key to keeping stress at bay.

On the one hand, be careful with excesses. The holidays often become synonymous with abundant meals and sweet treats. Also take into account the caloric content of alcoholic beverages. So if you do not want to end the year worrying about the weight you have gained, watch what you eat and drink.

Also, try to stay physically active. Maintain your physical exercise routine as much as possible. You can also take walks or practice winter sports. This will help you release the hormones of happiness (equal to stress relief) in addition to counteracting possible excesses.

To take care of yourself on a mental, emotional and spiritual level, maintain your routine of mindfulness, meditation, yoga, contemplation, prayer, etc.

6. Have fun

To enjoy a holiday season without stress there is nothing like having fun and laughing. They are the best antidotes against stress. At the beginning I told you to think about how you would like to spend the holidays. What activities do you enjoy? What amuses you?

Apart from what you can do all year round, here are some ideas for the Christmas season:

  • Prepare typical Christmas dishes, cakes or cookies with your loved ones.
  • Make Christmas decorations or gifts.
  • Play board games.
  • Sing Christmas carols or do karaoke.
  • Dance.
  • Go ice skating, skiing or sledding.
  • Enjoy the Christmas markets.
  • Stroll through town to enjoy the Christmas lighting and decorations.
  • Go to Christmas concerts or masses.

7. Prioritise

Although I have just proposed quite a few activities, remember that sometimes less is more. If you want to spend a stress-free holiday season, do not intend to do too much, if you do not want to spend the days running from one place to another.

So, prioritise and choose what you want most. Decide well on the commitments. Are all the meetups necessary during the pre-Christmas and Christmas season? Which ones are better to leave for later to alleviate your agenda? Also take time for quiet moments. It is okay to do nothing once in a while.

8. Avoid conflicts

Being overloaded with tasks and commitments, our expectations, worries and certain relationships can cause us stress. And stress makes us more sensitive and susceptible.

During Christmas one of the points of tension can be with which part of the family you spend which day. That is why it is convenient to think ahead of time with whom you want to meet and plan when you will see them.

Also, prepare yourself mentally for certain family members who may rile you up. What usually annoys you? What button do they usually touch that triggers, stresses and annoys you? Mentally prepare yourself for the situation. What could you do to avoid taking the bait? How could you react more positively? When the moment comes, take a deep breath and remember the strategies you thought of.

In close relationships it is easier for conflicts to arise. So do not forget your emotional intelligence during the holidays.

 In summary, enjoy your loved ones and interact with complicated relatives only in the necessary measure. If you are an introvert, also remember to find some time for yourself to recharge your batteries.

9. Give and feel gratitude

Finally, remember that during the holidays it is more satisfying to give than to receive. If you really want to give your loved ones joy, think carefully about what they like. Try to give them gifts from your heart.

On the other hand, the great key to feeling happier is to feel gratitude. So be grateful for the people around you, for the time you can spend with your loved ones, the experiences you have, and the gifts you receive.

How will you enjoy the holidays without stress?

What usually causes you stress during the holiday season? Which of the tips will help you avoid stress and enjoy more? Can you think of any additional points that help spend a stress-free holiday season?

stress-free holiday season stress-free holidays winter family scene
Image by Freepik

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9 tips to enjoy a stress-free holiday season

Does the Christmas season usually turn into a stress of activities, commitments or conflicts? Find out how to enjoy a stress-free holiday season.

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