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How to be creative and not lack ideas

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Finding solutions to problems or better ways to do things, inventing new products or services. All this requires creativity and imagination. Our brain is made to analyse and think. However, sometimes we feel that we lack ideas, that we cannot come up with anything.

What does creativity mean to you?

You might think that being creative means to have a lot of imagination; something reserved to artists, writers, copywriters, advertising creatives etc. If it is the same with you as with me, you might have grown up thinking that creatives are those people who know how to paint well, who know how to invent stories.

But actually the concept of creativity is much broader. We can all be creative if we allow ourselves to be.

What is creativity

The word creativity comes from the Latin “creare” which means generate, produce, create.

Seen like this, creativity is not limited to fine arts. We all create: ideas, solutions to problems or conflicts, products or services, games, stories, jokes, meals, flower bouquets, machines and devices…

Creativity is also fixing something with the few resources at your disposal. Imagination is creating a decoration piece (even if you look for a tutorial on the internet). Few ideas are totally new and revolutionary. Sometimes it is just about remembering something you saw somewhere and improving it or adapting to your needs some solution you saw in another context.

What does #creativity mean to you? What creativity is and why you are #creative Click To Tweet

How not to lack ideas

You are creative

Before I have mentioned that we can understand the concept of creativity in a limited way. However, if we live in an environment where our ideas are not appreciated, this also has a bad influence. It can get us thinking that being creative is bad and why make an effort to have ideas. But this would be a pity. You rather try and change your environment.

In order not to lack ideas, the first step is to remind yourself that you have imagination; that you can be creative; that your brain is made to think and have ideas. When you catch yourself thinking that you are not creative or do not have ideas, remember this. Do not limit yourself with a negative inner dialogue. If you feel you lack inspiration some day, this is not due to not being creative but to other reasons.

A clear mind is more creative

When you lack inspiration, this is usually due to a too busy mind. Probably you are worrying about obligations, concerns and things you should do. Forcing yourself to have ideas then will be fruitless. Rather you take time to write down everything that is on your mind in order to clear it.

Do you think creative people are chaotic geniuses? There are people who seem to overflow with ideas. However, for most of us chaos and disorder only make us feel overwhelmed. Therefore, putting order into your stuff, at home and in your workspace, and your issues like tasks, obligations and worries will clear your mind. And a clear mind is better able to generate new ideas and solve problems.

Do you think #creativity and #organisation are hard to reconcile? A #clearmind generates new #ideas better Click To Tweet

The world as a playground

Do you take life seriously? You do not feel awe for anything? Try to look around you with new eyes. Observe how kids explore. They look at and touch everything. They run around with joy and curiosity.

If we adopt this curious attitude, this ability to marvel and feel awe, we can rediscover our world. We will be more open and attentive to what surrounds us. Also, we will appreciate and be grateful for the small miracles the world offers us, be it a masterpiece of Mother Nature or man-made. This open glance helps us be more receptive to inspiration and new ideas.

So, I suggest you show curiosity for the known and unknown, the old and the new. Be amazed, have fun and the ideas will come.

Have you noticed how kids explore the world? What you can learn from them to be #creative and have #ideas Click To Tweet

Look for inspiration

There are many ways to look for inspiration. It can be a matter of getting out of the rut to do something different, something new. Also, maybe you need to review your habits. Is your routine balanced? Do you take time for fun, for relations, for your interests, for physical activity? When our day only consists of satisfying basic need like hunger, thirst and sleep as well as working, it is hard to keep creative and inspired.

#WorkLifeBalance, #fun and #variety in our activities are the ingredients to have new #ideas. #Inspiration #creativity Click To Tweet

Relate yourself

Personal relations contribute to our well-being because we are social animals. However, beyond having a good time with family and friends, try to get out of your usual circle. Meeting new people opens our mind to new points of view. Others’ experience, opinions and ideas can inspire us.

May inspiration find you working

If we wait to be inspired to get down to work, we risk to succumb to procrastination. Activity and inspiration feed each other back. Sometimes we may come up with an idea and start working on it with enthusiasm. Others, it will be whilst working when we come up with new ideas.

If you lack inspiration to work on that project you want to tackle, then work on a related issue. Look up information, do a task not needing your creativity. That way you still do something useful but change focus. Meanwhile your subconscious  will continue working and suddenly that idea, that inspiration you were looking for might appear.

Anyways, I suggest you always have within reach something to write down or sketch an idea you come up with. It might be related to the job you are doing; it might be about another issue or project. If you capture the ideas you do not only avoid forgetting them. You also help your mind to develop other related ideas. The more ideas you have, the more you will have.

Inspiration and #work feed each other back. May #inspiration find you working. Click To Tweet

Sources of inspiration to have ideas

As I mentioned before, inspiration can be found in many places. Doing varied activities, taking time for our interests and hobbies will help us with that. Here are some suggestions:

  • Read a lot. Be it articles or books, to entertain yourself or develop on personal or professional level. Even buy a book of a genre you do not usually read.
  • Learn continuously. It can be through reading, courses, workshops, talks and conferences. There are many ways to broaden our knowledge and gain new learnings.
  • Watch movies, series or documentaries.
  • Visit the theatre and expositions.
  • Do handicrafts from drawing via cross stitching to pottery. You have endless options.
  • Write your ideas. This can be in the shape of a diary, making up a story, writing poetry, inventing lyrics for a song.
  • Try some new food. Even try to cook a meal you have never tried.
  • Listen to music. Sing or hum.
  • Do physical activity or sports. Go walking, running, to gym or dance classes. Whatever you want. Even better, try something new.
  • Be a tourist in your own town.
  • Go on a trip or get into the nature. Organise activities in your destination.
  • Meditate and practice mindfulness. This helps you bring your mind to the present and relieve tensions and stress.
  • But above all have fun, laugh out loud and get amazed.

As I said before, variety is key. Getting out of the rut and feeling good helps us have new ideas.

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” #AlbertEinstein #ideas #creativity #imagination Click To Tweet

Do not let yourself be criticised

When being creative and having new ideas, beware of critical thoughts. This can be a little voice inside telling you your idea is not worth anything. It can also be others who try to undermine it. Not all our ideas can be brilliant. However, discarding them right away due to criticism only discourages us and limits our imagination. So try to accept that there may be criticism but do not give it importance unless it helps improve your idea.

how to have ideas

Do you consider yourself creative?

Do you think you are a creative person? Which are your tricks to inspire yourself and have ideas?

You do not consider yourself creative? Why is that? Why do you think you lack ideas?[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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