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16 habits which characterise productive people

Are you interested in improving your productivity? Well, there are some habits that productive people have in common. Find out which habits you already share and which ones you could acquire to increase your productivity.

1. Productive people have a mission

Productive people know where they are headed in life. They know their purpose in life and the purpose of what they do. That does not mean that they are clear about all the steps to get there and that they cannot hesitate along the way. But they evaluate progress and results in order to adapt. Thus, they choose the best next step aligned with their mission and values ​​to achieve what they have set their mind to.

2. They have few priorities

Having many priorities is like having none. How many priorities do you have? Well, productive people know which their (few) priorities are. That allows them to focus their efforts on what is important in order to achieve their goals.

3. Productive people set good goals

Productive people know that ideas only remain as that if they do not turn them into goals. That is why they set SMART goals and know why they want to achieve them.

4. They do not work impulsively or reactively

Productive people do not simply react to events. They do not perform the tasks as they arise. Before dedicating their attention to an issue, they assess whether this is what requires it at this time. In other words, they choose the most important and beneficial task at that point which helps them achieve their goals.

By being attentive to the evolution of the circumstances, they also know when certain tasks are no longer necessary or even when to consider shelving a project that no longer aligns with their priorities.

5. They have a work system

Productive people have a system that adapts to the nature of their work and that helps them to be more productive. In other words, they look for tools to perform their work in the most effective way. They also have an organisation and planning system that allows them to have their calendar, their commitments, appointments, projects and tasks under control.

Image by rawpixel from Pixabay

6. Productive people plan

Busy people do their work as issues arise. On the other hand, productive people plan how to spend their time more effectively. This allows them to work proactively towards their objectives in fulfillment of their mission.

7. They review

At the end of the day they review what they have managed to finish and what is pending. They reflect on why they have not been able to finish certain tasks to learn from it in the future. Then they return to the previous point, that is, planning the next day and deciding the most important issues to tackle.

However, not only do they review daily tasks at hand. They take perspective of the progress towards their objectives and with their projects on a weekly and monthly basis. This allows them to make adjustments if necessary and learn from the past to improve towards the future.

8. They celebrate their achievements

Productive people also know that celebrating their achievements keeps them motivated. We forget the good that has happened to us too easily or we sometimes take it for granted. But taking a moment to enjoy what we have achieved and to be proud of ourselves improves our mood. That way, we will feel more motivated to continue working towards our goals as well as increase our confidence in ourselves.

9. Productive people learn

Continued learning is part of the habits of productive people. They research, inform themselves, acquire new knowledge and learn to use new tools that allow them to improve as individuals and professionals.

Remembering point 7, when reviewing their progress, what is undone and why, productive people also learn how to improve their planning and how to better adapt to the circumstances.

#Selfmotivation and continued learning help us be more #productive. These & other #habits of #productivepeople. #productivity #motivation Click To Tweet

10. They know how to concentrate

We are all subjected to distractions and interruptions. But productive people have learned to deal with them so they can concentrate on their work. They also know that we can only fully focus on one issue at a time so they do not succumb to multitasking.

11. They know their most productive hours

When planning their day, productive people take into account the most productive hours. That is why they adapt their activity to their ultradian rhythms and the demands of their job. They try to carry out the work that requires more effort and concentration in their most productive hours and when they will suffer less interruptions.

12. They focus on solutions

Productive people do not get stuck in problems. They do not brood over them or look for excuses or scapegoats. On the contrary, they focus on figuring out the cause of the problem and looking for solutions to attack the root problem.

Instead of applying patches to solve the problems superficially (which will lead to them reproducing again and again) they fix what caused the problem and improve the procedures.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

13. They know when to say yes

Busy people say yes without considering the consequences. This may result in overloading themselves with promises and obligations or failing to deliver what they promised. Productive people consider before saying yes. Will they be able to assume that obligation? Does it align with their values ​​and priorities? They dare to say no or not now or offer alternative solutions.

14. They know how to delegate

Busy people tend to micromanagement. They tend to overload themselves because they believe they ought to do whatever task arises.

However, productive people know how to focus on the core of their work, that is, what their responsibility is and aligns with their priorities and capabilities. That is why they delegate to others what is not their specialty.

15. Productive people take care of themselves

Productive people know that taking care of their mind and body helps their productivity. That is why they seek a good night’s rest and are attentive to their energy levels during the day to take breaks from time to time. They take care of what they eat because they know that it is the fuel that allows the body to perform. Nor do they forget the importance of physical activity to keep fit and as a remedy against stress.

16. They let their performance and that of others speak

Busy people like to boast about how occupied they are. They talk about what they want to do. But productive people really get down to work and let their results speak for them.

Whilst busy people talk about the changes they want to make, productive people are already making them. They wonder what they can do now that does not require approval from others. They consider what they can do with the knowledge, resources and support at their disposal.

Busy people like to be surrounded by other busy people. They value presentism and hours of activity over production. However, productive people prefer to see others be effective, make progress, achieve results and do their best.

Do you belong to the group of productive people?

Are you surrounded by busy or by productive people? Which group do you belong to?

Which of these habits are part of your routine? Are there other habits that you consider important to be more productive?

productive people
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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