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How to prioritise and thus respect your own and others’ time


Do you feel your days are productive. Or do finish the work day with the sensation of not having stood still but not having achieved anything either? I know how that feels. There are “cursed” days on which it seems so many issues come up, which are all important or urgent, that you end up working reactively instead of doing what you planned to.

Learn to differentiate between the important and the urgent

That is why it is important to know your priorities and to differentiate between important and not so important, urgent and not so urgent issues or a combination of both aspects.

So take an interest in your company’s mission and strategy; the company’s and your department’s current priorities; and the most important projects being carried out. This may help you understand where your work fits in and, thus, assign priorities to your tasks and work more effectively.

Although one may introduce several levels of importance and urgency, a simple way to classify the tasks can be the Eisenhower matrix:

When somebody interrupts you with an issue, there is a temptation of wanting to resolve it immediately. Without stopping a moment to think about whether it is really necessary to do the task in that instant.

Remember to ask when it should be done

At work I have sadly encountered this type of situation on numerous occasions. Somebody comes up all stressed out saying he/she needs this or that right away. Or someone asks you for something but you forget to ask when they need it. And then it turns out it was not that urgent actually. And even though the person tells you it is for “right now”, remember this phrase that I like:

Lack of #planning on your part does not constitute an #urgency on mine. #priorities Click To Tweet

There will be issues which inevitably have to be resolved in the shortest term possible due to their importance and urgency. And in spite of bad planning on somebody else’s side and them not having let you know earlier. But there are usually a lot of other topics which can wait until you have completed other matters of higher priority. Therefore remember to ask for the deadline. Then think for a second if, amongst your company’s and your work’s priorities, you will be able to do the task in the required time.

Admit if you cannot help within the stipulated deadline

If it is an issue not only you can solve and you know you will not be able, within your priorities, to do the task on time, be honest and assertive and explain it. With that I do not mean you say no to everything. But I recommed you assess which urgent and important jobs you have on your list and when you will be able to dedicate time to what has been requested.

If you know of anybody else who could carry out the task or if you can think of another way to solve the issue, propose the possible solution. You will show that you do not say no just because and that you have an interest in the job getting done.

Ask for a clarification of your priorities

If it is your boss who is asking you do to a job, but you are not sure in which order of priority to set the issue in relation to the other topics on your list, discuss it with him or her. Maybe your supervisor thinks you have already finished another task of higher priority in hand. Perhaps he/she is not aware at that moment which issue you are dealing with. Usually he/she has more than one direct report and does not know what everybody is doing exactly at each instant. So, in case of doubt, avoid putting your foot in. And do not be afraid of consulting openly which of your tasks is of the highest priority.

You may do the same with issues requested by another colleague or department. Ask your boss in case they are pushing you, but you think you are doing a more important task at that moment.

If you have a good relationship with your boss, I suggest you do not only ask him/her to clarify your priorities but also why one task is more important and/or urgent than another one. This will help you better understand the task and why you are doing it. Also you will learn, with views to the future, how to prioritise better without having to ask for clarification on every issue.

It will increase your credibility as a professional: if you show that you know your priorities; that you respect your own time and that you admit honestly when you are unable to get a job done within the required deadline; or if you ask your boss for help setting and clarifying priorities. It is a lot worse to say yes to everything, just so you fail to keep the deadline, or deliver things badly done.

Give notice if you will be late

Once you have accepted the assignment, if you see things get complicated, let the other person know. The uncertainty of not receiving a task done or not knowing when they will receive it is worse than a justified delay. By talking, you settle issues. And certainly the other person will be understanding if you explain the reason for the delay and let him/her know when you will be able to deliver the assignment.

First things first
Copyright: gajus / 123RF Stock Photo

Start with the most important

At the beginning of the work day, I recommend you get a headstart on the most important task you have on the table. If you can, do not check your e-mails and divert your telephone to the mailbox or to reception. Focus only on this important topic for a while and try to make as much progress as you can before the usual interruptions of the day begin.

In my experience, first thing in the morning is usually much more productive. That is because you are still fresh. Because the office might not have filled yet. Or because everyone else is busy getting started their own day. On the other hand, you will notice that this simple habit sets the tone for the rest of the day. Having managed to work on that important issue, which may have been stuck, you will feel accomplishment.

When we spend the day solving little things that come up, we might not come to a halt in the whole day. But the hours will go by and we will realise we have not had time to make progress on that important project. The day is over and you go home feeling you have not achieved anything.

On the opposite, when starting your day with that important task, regardless of the time you will manage to dedicate to it, you will feel you have done something useful and important, and feel more satisfied.

The key is not to #prioritize what's on your #schedule, but to schedule your #priorities. #StephenCovey Click To Tweet

how to prioritise


  1. Take interest in your company’s mission and strategy. What is going on currently and which are the most important projects and issues they are working on. This will help you know where your job fits in and prioritise your tasks.
  2. Know what your job and your responsibilities are and to what extent you may take decisions autonomously.
  3. Analyse your tasks and put them in order according to their level of importance and urgency. If in doubt, ask your boss.
  4. If you cannot accept an assignment, be assertive and explain why (you do not have to go into detail). Offer an alternative solution if you can.
  5. Start the day with the most important task.


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